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Our firm helps companies find capital funding for a variety of commercial and industrial projects
GLP is a facilitator of funding solutions through active consultation with project leaders and potential venture capitalists or investors. Our company and its staff actively works with both sides to the equation and matches and facilitates funding for diverse commercial and industrial projects.
The company was formed with a mission of guiding entrepreneurs, startups and growing companies through the arduous and often complex commercial funding process. At GLP, our goal is to apply our experience and insight to secure funding and help you achieve your goals without losing focus on the project’s planning and development.
GLP offers many benefits to its customers, including:
Constant communication throughout every stage of the funding process
Diligence in delivering results after receiving all proper documentation (usually within 72 hours of receipt)
No project is too big or complex–we welcome challenges. Our experience and resources allow us to find solutions for most projects.
We have a multilingual team capable of communicating with foreign customers and investors
GLP specializes in connecting customers with both Private Lending Institutions and Government Lending Institutions. Through our knowledge and connections we match projects to the investors and lending partners who want to fund these projects.
Relevant Services
> Feasibility Studies
> Project Due Diligence
> Operations Management
> Project Procurement